-- The Agda standard library
-- Some properties about subsets

module Data.Fin.Subset.Properties where

open import Algebra
import Algebra.Properties.BooleanAlgebra as BoolProp
open import Data.Empty using (⊥-elim)
open import Data.Fin using (Fin); open Data.Fin.Fin
open import Data.Fin.Subset
open import Data.Nat using ()
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Sum as Sum
open import Data.Vec hiding (_∈_)
open import Function
open import Function.Equality using (_⟨$⟩_)
open import Function.Equivalence
  using (_⇔_; equivalence; module Equivalence)
open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P using (_≡_)

-- Constructor mangling

drop-there :  {s n x} {p : Subset n}  suc x  s  p  x  p
drop-there (there x∈p) = x∈p

drop-∷-⊆ :  {n s₁ s₂} {p₁ p₂ : Subset n}  s₁  p₁  s₂  p₂  p₁  p₂
drop-∷-⊆ p₁s₁⊆p₂s₂ x∈p₁ = drop-there $ p₁s₁⊆p₂s₂ (there x∈p₁)

drop-∷-Empty :  {n s} {p : Subset n}  Empty (s  p)  Empty p
drop-∷-Empty ¬∃∈ (x , x∈p) = ¬∃∈ (suc x , there x∈p)

-- Properties involving ⊥

∉⊥ :  {n} {x : Fin n}  x  
∉⊥ (there p) = ∉⊥ p

⊥⊆ :  {n} {p : Subset n}    p
⊥⊆ x∈⊥ with ∉⊥ x∈⊥
... | ()

Empty-unique :  {n} {p : Subset n} 
               Empty p  p  
Empty-unique {p = []}           ¬∃∈ = P.refl
Empty-unique {p = s  p}        ¬∃∈ with Empty-unique (drop-∷-Empty ¬∃∈)
Empty-unique {p = outside  .} ¬∃∈ | P.refl = P.refl
Empty-unique {p = inside   .} ¬∃∈ | P.refl =
  ⊥-elim (¬∃∈ (zero , here))

-- Properties involving ⊤

∈⊤ :  {n} {x : Fin n}  x  
∈⊤ {x = zero}  = here
∈⊤ {x = suc x} = there ∈⊤

⊆⊤ :  {n} {p : Subset n}  p  
⊆⊤ = const ∈⊤

-- A property involving ⁅_⁆

x∈⁅y⁆⇔x≡y :  {n} {x y : Fin n}  x   y   x  y
x∈⁅y⁆⇔x≡y {x = x} {y} =
  equivalence (to y)  x≡y  P.subst  y  x   y ) x≡y (x∈⁅x⁆ x))

  to :  {n x} (y : Fin n)  x   y   x  y
  to (suc y) (there p) = P.cong suc (to y p)
  to zero    here      = P.refl
  to zero    (there p) with ∉⊥ p
  ... | ()

  x∈⁅x⁆ :  {n} (x : Fin n)  x   x 
  x∈⁅x⁆ zero    = here
  x∈⁅x⁆ (suc x) = there (x∈⁅x⁆ x)

-- A property involving _∪_

∪⇔⊎ :  {n} {p₁ p₂ : Subset n} {x}  x  p₁  p₂  (x  p₁  x  p₂)
∪⇔⊎ = equivalence (to _ _) from
  to :  {n} (p₁ p₂ : Subset n) {x}  x  p₁  p₂  x  p₁  x  p₂
  to []             []             ()
  to (inside   p₁) (s₂       p₂) here            = inj₁ here
  to (outside  p₁) (inside   p₂) here            = inj₂ here
  to (s₁       p₁) (s₂       p₂) (there x∈p₁∪p₂) =
    Sum.map there there (to p₁ p₂ x∈p₁∪p₂)

  ⊆∪ˡ :  {n p₁} (p₂ : Subset n)  p₁  p₁  p₂
  ⊆∪ˡ []       ()
  ⊆∪ˡ (s  p₂) here         = here
  ⊆∪ˡ (s  p₂) (there x∈p₁) = there (⊆∪ˡ p₂ x∈p₁)

  ⊆∪ʳ :  {n} (p₁ p₂ : Subset n)  p₂  p₁  p₂
  ⊆∪ʳ p₁ p₂ rewrite BooleanAlgebra.∨-comm (booleanAlgebra _) p₁ p₂
    = ⊆∪ˡ p₁

  from :  {n} {p₁ p₂ : Subset n} {x}  x  p₁  x  p₂  x  p₁  p₂
  from (inj₁ x∈p₁) = ⊆∪ˡ _   x∈p₁
  from (inj₂ x∈p₂) = ⊆∪ʳ _ _ x∈p₂

-- _⊆_ is a partial order

-- The "natural poset" associated with the boolean algebra.

module NaturalPoset where
    open module BA {n} = BoolProp (booleanAlgebra n) public
      using (poset)
    open module Po {n} = Poset (poset {n = n}) public

  -- _⊆_ is equivalent to the natural lattice order.

  orders-equivalent :  {n} {p₁ p₂ : Subset n}  p₁  p₂  p₁  p₂
  orders-equivalent = equivalence (to _ _) (from _ _)
    to :  {n} (p₁ p₂ : Subset n)  p₁  p₂  p₁  p₂
    to []             []             p₁⊆p₂ = P.refl
    to (inside   p₁) (_        p₂) p₁⊆p₂ with p₁⊆p₂ here
    to (inside   p₁) (.inside  p₂) p₁⊆p₂ | here = P.cong (_∷_ inside)  (to p₁ p₂ (drop-∷-⊆ p₁⊆p₂))
    to (outside  p₁) (_        p₂) p₁⊆p₂        = P.cong (_∷_ outside) (to p₁ p₂ (drop-∷-⊆ p₁⊆p₂))

    from :  {n} (p₁ p₂ : Subset n)  p₁  p₂  p₁  p₂
    from []             []       p₁≤p₂ x               = x
    from (.inside  _)  (_  _)  p₁≤p₂ here            rewrite P.cong head p₁≤p₂ = here
    from (_        p₁) (_  p₂) p₁≤p₂ (there xs[i]=x) =
      there (from p₁ p₂ (P.cong tail p₁≤p₂) xs[i]=x)

-- _⊆_ is a partial order.

poset :   Poset _ _ _
poset n = record
  { Carrier        = Subset n
  ; _≈_            = _≡_
  ; _≤_            = _⊆_
  ; isPartialOrder = record
    { isPreorder = record
      { isEquivalence = P.isEquivalence
      ; reflexive     = λ i≡j  from ⟨$⟩ reflexive i≡j
      ; trans         = λ x⊆y y⊆z  from ⟨$⟩ trans (to ⟨$⟩ x⊆y) (to ⟨$⟩ y⊆z)
    ; antisym = λ x⊆y y⊆x  antisym (to ⟨$⟩ x⊆y) (to ⟨$⟩ y⊆x)
  open NaturalPoset
  open module E {p₁ p₂} =
    Equivalence (orders-equivalent {n = n} {p₁ = p₁} {p₂ = p₂})