module FreeVariables where

open import Level
open import Function
open import Atom
open import Alpha
open import ListProperties
open import Term hiding (fv)
open import TermRecursion
open import TermInduction
open import TermAcc
open import NaturalProperties
open import Equivariant
open import Permutation

open import Data.Bool hiding (_∨_)
open import Data.Nat hiding (_*_)
open import Data.Nat.Properties
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Sum renaming (_⊎_ to _∨_)
open import Data.List
open import Data.List.Any as Any hiding (map)
open import Data.List.Any.Membership
open Any.Membership-≡
open import Data.Product
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as PropEq renaming ([_] to [_]ᵢ)
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable


fv : Λ  List Atom
fv = ΛIt (List Atom) [_] _++_ ([] , λ v r  r - v)

lemmafvƛ :  b M  fv (ƛ b M)  fv ( b  χ [] (ƛ b M)  M) - χ [] (ƛ b M)
lemmafvƛ b M = ΛItƛ (List Atom) [_] _++_ []   v r  r - v) b M
lemma∼αfv : {M N : Λ}  M ∼α N  fv M  fv N
lemma∼αfv {M} {N} = lemmaΛItStrongαCompatible (List Atom) [_] _++_ []  v r  r - v) M N 

Define free predicate using term iterator

infix 8 _free_

_free_ : Atom  Λ  Set
(_free_) a = ΛIt Set  b  a  b) _∨_ ([ a ] , const id) 

freeλ :  a b M  a free (ƛ b M)  a free  ( b  χ [ a ] (ƛ b M)  M)
freeλ a b M = ΛItƛ Set  b  a  b) _∨_ [ a ] (const id) b M 
freeStrongCompatible :  a M  strong∼αCompatible (_free_ a) M
freeStrongCompatible a M N M∼N 
  = lemmaΛItStrongαCompatible Set  b  a  b) _∨_ [ a ]  (const id) M N M∼N
lemmavfree :  {a b}  a  b  a free (v b)
lemmavfree {a} .{a} refl  = refl
lemma·rfree :  {a M} N  a free M   a free (M · N)
lemma·rfree {a} {M} N afreeM = inj₁ afreeM
lemma·lfree :  {a} M {N}  a free N  a free (M · N)
lemma·lfree {a} M {N} afreeN = inj₂ afreeN
Pfs : Atom  Λ  Set
Pfs a M =  b c  a  b  a  c  a free M  a free ( b  c  M)
lemmaFreeSwap :  M a  Pfs a M
lemmaFreeSwap M a
  = TermαIndPerm  
                 (Pfs a) 
                 ([ a ] , lemmaƛ)
  αCompatiblePfsa : αCompatiblePred (Pfs a)
  αCompatiblePfsa {M} {N} M∼N PfsaM b c a≢b a≢c afreeN 
       freeStrongCompatible a N M (σ M∼N) 
    |  freeStrongCompatible a ( b  c  N) ( b  c  M) (lemma∼αEquiv [(b , c)] (σ M∼N)) 
    = PfsaM b c a≢b a≢c afreeN
  lemmav : (d : )  Pfs a (v d)
  lemmav .a b c a≢b a≢c refl = sym (lemma∙ₐc≢a∧c≢b a≢b a≢c)
  lemma· : (M N : Λ)  Pfs a M  Pfs a N  Pfs a (M · N)
  lemma· M₁ N PfsaM PfsaN b c a≢b a≢c (inj₁ afreeM) = inj₁ (PfsaM b c a≢b a≢c afreeM)
  lemma· M₁ N PfsaM PfsaN b c a≢b a≢c (inj₂ afreeN) = inj₂ (PfsaN b c a≢b a≢c afreeN)
  lemmaƛ : (M : Λ) (d : )  d  [ a ]  ((π : List (Atom × Atom))  Pfs a (π  M))  Pfs a (ƛ d M)
  lemmaƛ M d d∉[a] Hi b c a≢b a≢c afree(de)M rewrite freeλ a d M | freeλ a ( b  c )ₐ d) ( b  c  M)
    with χ [ a ] (ƛ d M) | χ∉ [ a ] (ƛ d M) | χ [ a ] ( b  c  (ƛ d M)) | χ∉ [ a ] ( b  c  (ƛ d M))
  ... | e | e∉[a] | f | f∉[a] = afree((bc)df)(bc)M
    a≢d : a  d
    a≢d = λ a≡d  d∉[a] (here (sym a≡d))
    a≢e : a  e
    a≢e = λ a≡e  (e∉[a] (here (sym a≡e)))
    afreeM :  a free M
    afreeM  with  d  e  ( d  e  M) | Hi [( d , e)] d e a≢d a≢e afree(de)M | lemma(ab)(ab)M≡M {d} {e} {M}
    ... | .M | afreeM | refl = afreeM
    afree(bc)M : a free ( b  c  M)
    afree(bc)M = Hi [] b c a≢b a≢c afreeM
    a≢(bc)d : a   b  c )ₐ d
    a≢(bc)d = lemma∙ₐa≢b∧a≢c∧a≢d→a≢(bc)d a≢b a≢c a≢d
    a≢f : a  f
    a≢f = λ a≡f  (f∉[a] (here (sym a≡f)))
    afree((bc)df)(bc)M : a free (  b  c )ₐ d  f   b  c  M)
    afree((bc)df)(bc)M = Hi [(b , c)] ( b  c )ₐ d) f a≢(bc)d a≢f afree(bc)M
lemmaƛfree :  {b a M}  a free M  a  b  a free (ƛ b M)
lemmaƛfree {b} {a} {M} freeaM a≢b rewrite freeλ a b M = lemmaFreeSwap M a b c a≢b a≢c freeaM
  c = χ [ a ] (ƛ b M)
  c∉[a] = χ∉ [ a ] (ƛ b M)
  a≢c = λ a≡c  c∉[a] (here (sym a≡c))
lemma*→free :  {a M}  a * M   a free M
lemma*→free *v                        = lemmavfree refl
lemma*→free {a} {M · N} (*·l a*M)     = lemma·rfree {a} {M} N (lemma*→free a*M)
lemma*→free {a} {M · N} (*·r a*N)     = lemma·lfree {a} M {N} (lemma*→free a*N)
lemma*→free {a} {ƛ b M} ( a*M a≢b)  = lemmaƛfree {b} {a} {M} (lemma*→free a*M) (sym≢ a≢b)
Pfs2 : Atom  Λ  Set
Pfs2 a M =  b c  a  b  a  c  a free ( b  c  M)  a free M
lemmaFreeSwap2 :  M a  Pfs2 a M
lemmaFreeSwap2 M a b c a≢b a≢c afree(bc)M 
  with lemmaFreeSwap ( b  c  M) a b c a≢b a≢c afree(bc)M 
... | p rewrite lemma(ab)(ab)M≡M {b} {c} {M}  = p
Pf* : Atom  Λ  Set
Pf* a M = a free M  a * M
lemmafree→* :  {a M}  Pf* a M
lemmafree→* {a} {M} 
  = TermαPrimInd (Pf* a) αCompatiblePf*a  {.a refl  *v}) lemma· ([ a ] , lemmaƛ) M
  αCompatiblePf*a :  αCompatiblePred (Pf* a)
  αCompatiblePf*a {M} {N} M∼N Pf*aM afreeN 
    rewrite freeStrongCompatible a N M (σ M∼N) 
    = lemma∼α* M∼N (Pf*aM afreeN)
  lemma· : (M N : Λ)  Pf* a M  Pf* a N  Pf* a (M · N)
  lemma· M N Pf*aM Pf*aN (inj₁ a*M) = *·l (Pf*aM a*M)
  lemma· M N Pf*aM Pf*aN (inj₂ a*N) = *·r (Pf*aN a*N)
  lemmaƛ : (M : Λ) (b : )  b  [ a ] 
          (Pf* a M) 
          Pf* a (ƛ b M)
  lemmaƛ M b b∉[a] Hi afree(bc)M rewrite freeλ a b M with χ [ a ] (ƛ b M) | χ∉ [ a ] (ƛ b M) 
  ... | c | c∉[a] =  (Hi (lemmaFreeSwap2 M a b c a≢b a≢c afree(bc)M)) (sym≢ a≢b)
    a≢b = λ a≡b  b∉[a] (here (sym a≡b))
    a≢c = λ a≡c  c∉[a] (here (sym a≡c))
Pfvf : Atom  Λ  Set
Pfvf a M = a  fv M  a free M
αCompatiblePfvfa :  a  αCompatiblePred (Pfvf a)
αCompatiblePfvfa a {M} {N} M∼N PfvfM a∈fvN 
    lemma∼αfv M∼N 
  | freeStrongCompatible a N M (σ M∼N) = PfvfM a∈fvN
lemmafvf :  {a} {M}  Pfvf a M
lemmafvf {a} {M} 
  = TermαIndPerm (Pfvf a) (αCompatiblePfvfa a) lemmav lemma· ([ a ] , lemmaƛ) M   
  lemmav : (b : )  Pfvf a (v b)
  lemmav .a  (here refl) = refl
  lemmav _   (there ())
  lemma· : (M N : Λ)  Pfvf a M  Pfvf a N  Pfvf a (M · N)
  lemma· M N PfvfaM PfvfaN a∈fvM++fvN with c∈xs++ys→c∈xs∨c∈ys {a} {fv M} a∈fvM++fvN 
  ... | inj₁ a∈fvM = inj₁ (PfvfaM a∈fvM)
  ... | inj₂ a∈fvN = inj₂ (PfvfaN a∈fvN)
  lemmaƛ : (M : Λ) (b : )  b  [ a ] 
          ((π : List (Atom × Atom)) 
          Pfvf a (π  M)) 
          Pfvf a (ƛ b M)
  lemmaƛ M b b∉[a] f a∈fvƛbM 
    rewrite lemmafvƛ b M
    with χ [] (ƛ b M) | lemmafilter→ a (fv ( b  χ [] (ƛ b M)  M))  y  not ( χ [] (ƛ b M) ≟ₐ y )) a∈fvƛbM  
  ... | c | ¬a≟c=true , a∈fv(bc)M with a ≟ₐ c
  lemmaƛ M b b∉[a] f a∈fvƛbM | .a | ¬a≟a=true , a∈fv(ba)M  | yes refl with a ≟ₐ a
  lemmaƛ M b b∉[a] f a∈fvƛbM | .a | () , a∈fv(ba)M  | yes refl | yes _
  lemmaƛ M b b∉[a] f a∈fvƛbM | .a | _ , a∈fv(ba)M  | yes refl | no a≢a = ⊥-elim (a≢a refl)
  lemmaƛ M b b∉[a] f a∈fvƛbM | c  | _ , a∈fv(bc)M  | no a≢c 
    = lemmaƛfree {b} {a} {M} (lemmaFreeSwap2 M a b c a≢b a≢c (f [(b , c)] a∈fv(bc)M)) a≢b 
    a≢b : a  b
    a≢b = λ a≡b  (⊥-elim (b∉[a] (here (sym a≡b))))

Pffv : Atom  Λ  Set
Pffv a M = a free M  a  fv M
αCompatiblePffva :  a  αCompatiblePred (Pffv a)
αCompatiblePffva a {M} {N} M∼N PffvM afreeM
    lemma∼αfv M∼N 
  | freeStrongCompatible a N M (σ M∼N) = PffvM afreeM
lemmaffv :  {a} {M}  Pffv a M
lemmaffv {a} {M} 
  = TermαIndPerm  (Pffv a) (αCompatiblePffva a) 
                   { b b≡a  here b≡a }) 
                  ([ a ] , lemmaƛ) 
  lemma· : (M N : Λ)  Pffv a M  Pffv a N  Pffv a (M · N)
  lemma· M N PffvaM PffvaN (inj₁ afreeM) = c∈xs∨c∈ys→c∈xs++ys (inj₁ (PffvaM afreeM)) 
  lemma· M N PffvaM PffvaN (inj₂ afreeN) = c∈xs∨c∈ys→c∈xs++ys {xs = fv M} (inj₂ (PffvaN afreeN)) 
  lemmaƛ : (M : Λ) (b : )  b  [ a ] 
          ((π : List (Atom × Atom))  Pffv a (π  M)) 
          Pffv a (ƛ b M)
  lemmaƛ M b b∉[a] PffvaπM afree(bc)M rewrite freeλ a b M | lemmafvƛ b M
    = lemmafilter← a (fv ( b  d  M))  y  not ( d ≟ₐ y )) prf≡ a∈fv(bd)M 
    c = χ [ a ] (ƛ b M)
    d = χ [] (ƛ b M)
    d#ƛbM = χ# [] (ƛ b M)
    a≢b : a  b
    a≢b = λ a≡b  (⊥-elim (b∉[a] (here (sym a≡b))))
    a≢c : a  c
    a≢c = λ a≡c  ⊥-elim ((χ∉ [ a ] (ƛ b M)) (here (sym a≡c)))
    afreeM : a free  M
    afreeM = lemmaFreeSwap2 M a b c a≢b a≢c afree(bc)M
    auxa≢d :  a b d  a  b  a free M  d # ƛ b M  a  d
    auxa≢d a .a .a a≢a afreeM #ƛ≡ refl     = ⊥-elim (a≢a refl)
    auxa≢d a b .a a≢b afreeM ( a#M) refl = ⊥-elim ((lemma-free→¬# (lemmafree→* {a} {M} afreeM)) a#M)
    a≢d : a  d 
    a≢d = auxa≢d a b d a≢b afreeM d#ƛbM 
    a∈fv(bd)M : a  fv ( b  d  M)
    a∈fv(bd)M = PffvaπM [(b , d)] (lemmaFreeSwap M a b d a≢b a≢d afreeM)
    prf≡ :  y  not ( d ≟ₐ y )) a  true
    prf≡ with d ≟ₐ a
    ... | yes d≡a = ⊥-elim (a≢d (sym d≡a))
    ... | no  d≢a = refl

lemma∉fv→# :  {a M}  a  fv M  a # M
lemma∉fv→# {a} {M} a∉fvM with a #? M
... | yes a#M  = a#M
... | no ¬a#M  = ⊥-elim (a∉fvM (lemmaffv {a} {M} (lemma*→free (lemma¬#→free ¬a#M))))

lemma∈fvM→a∈fvƛbM :  {a b M}  a  b  a  fv M   a  fv (ƛ b M) 
lemma∈fvM→a∈fvƛbM {a} {b} {M} a≢b a∈fvM = lemmaffv {a} {ƛ b M} (lemmaƛfree {b} {a} {M} (lemmafvf {a} {M} a∈fvM) a≢b)
lemma∈fvƛbM→a∈fvM :  {a b M}  a  b  a  fv (ƛ b M)  a  fv M
lemma∈fvƛbM→a∈fvM {a} {b} {M} a≢b a∈fvƛbM rewrite lemmafvƛ b M
  with χ [] (ƛ b M) | lemmafilter→ a (fv ( b  χ [] (ƛ b M)  M))  y  not ( χ [] (ƛ b M) ≟ₐ y )) a∈fvƛbM  
... | c | ¬a≟c=true , a∈fv(bc)M with a ≟ₐ c
lemma∈fvƛbM→a∈fvM {a} {b} {M} a≢b a∈fvƛbM | .a | ¬a≟a=true , a∈fv(ba)M  | yes refl with a ≟ₐ a
lemma∈fvƛbM→a∈fvM {a} {b} {M} a≢b a∈fvƛbM | .a | () , a∈fv(ba)M  | yes refl | yes _
lemma∈fvƛbM→a∈fvM {a} {b} {M} a≢b a∈fvƛbM | .a | _ , a∈fv(ba)M  | yes refl | no a≢a = ⊥-elim (a≢a refl)
lemma∈fvƛbM→a∈fvM {a} {b} {M} a≢b a∈fvƛbM | c  | _ , a∈fv(bc)M  | no a≢c 
    =  lemmaffv {a} {M} (lemmaFreeSwap2 M a b c a≢b a≢c (lemmafvf {a} { b  c  M} a∈fv(bc)M) ) 

lemmafvswap→ :  {a b c M}  a  b  a  c  a  fv M  a  fv ( b  c  M)
lemmafvswap→ {a} {b} {c} {M} a≢b a≢c a∈fvM =  lemmaffv {a} { b  c  M} (lemmaFreeSwap M a b c a≢b a≢c (lemmafvf {a} {M} a∈fvM))

lemmafvswap← :  {a b c M}  a  b  a  c  a  fv ( b  c  M)  a  fv M 
lemmafvswap← {a} {b} {c} {M} a≢b a≢c a∈fv(bc)M = lemmaffv {a} {M} (lemmaFreeSwap2 M a b c a≢b a≢c (lemmafvf {a} { b  c  M} a∈fv(bc)M))

Other way to prove correction using free data relation * (not free function).

Pfv* : Atom  Λ  Set
Pfv* a M = a  fv M  a * M

αCompatiblePfv* :  a  αCompatiblePred (Pfv* a)
αCompatiblePfv* a M∼N a∈fvM→a*M a∈fvN 
  rewrite lemma∼αfv M∼N = lemma∼α* M∼N (a∈fvM→a*M a∈fvN)
lemmafv* :  {a} {M}  Pfv* a M
lemmafv* {a} {M} = TermαIndPerm (Pfv* a) (αCompatiblePfv* a) lemmav lemma· ([ a ] , lemmaƛ) M
  lemmav : (b : Atom)  Pfv* a (v b)
  lemmav .a  (here refl) = *v
  lemmav b   (there ()) 
  lemma· : (M N : Λ)  Pfv* a M  Pfv* a N  Pfv* a (M · N)
  lemma· M N PM PN a∈fvM·N
    with c∈xs++ys→c∈xs∨c∈ys {a} {fv M} {fv N} a∈fvM·N 
  ... | inj₁ a∈fvM = *·l (PM a∈fvM)
  ... | inj₂ a∈fvN = *·r (PN a∈fvN)
  lemmaƛ : (M : Λ) (b : )  b  [ a ]  (∀ π  Pfv* a (π  M))  Pfv* a (ƛ b M)
  lemmaƛ M b b∉[a] f a∈fvƛbM 
    rewrite lemmafvƛ b M
    with χ [] (ƛ b M) | lemmafilter→ a (fv ( b  χ [] (ƛ b M)  M))  y  not ( χ [] (ƛ b M) ≟ₐ y )) a∈fvƛbM  
  ... | c | ¬a≟c=true , a∈fv(bc)M with a ≟ₐ c
  lemmaƛ M b b∉[a] f a∈fvƛbM | .a | ¬a≟a=true , a∈fv(ba)M  | yes refl with a ≟ₐ a
  lemmaƛ M b b∉[a] f a∈fvƛbM | .a | () , a∈fv(ba)M  | yes refl | yes _
  lemmaƛ M b b∉[a] f a∈fvƛbM | .a | _ , a∈fv(ba)M  | yes refl | no a≢a = ⊥-elim (a≢a refl)
  lemmaƛ M b b∉[a] f a∈fvƛbM | c  | _ , a∈fv(bc)M  | no a≢c 
    =  (lemma*swap←≢ (sym≢ b≢a) a≢c  (f [(b , c)] a∈fv(bc)M)) b≢a
    b≢a : b  a
    b≢a = λ b≡a  (⊥-elim (b∉[a] (here b≡a)))